legaltranscription service
medical transcription service


How do I send you the work?


You can send us the digitally recorded voice files by uploading them to our secure FTP server, this is a simple drag-and-drop process into the FTP folder or you can send as simple E-mail attachment.


How do I know that your company provides good quality service?


Our medical transcription service company has been delivering superior quality transcription service to all our clients. We implement best technological innovation to ensure high quality output for medical transcription. All work is checked for spelling and formatting to minimize possible errors and to ensure top-notch quality.


Do you have a free trial period?


Yes, we have three day free trial. We use this time to understand our doctors' accents, their dictation pattern, format and their requirements. This period is our learning curve, which helps us do magic to the accuracy of your transcripts that would be coming thereafter.


What kind of audio files can you work with?


We work with a wide variety of files like wav, mp3, dss Olympus, vox, windows Media, msv and dvf files Sony Recorders, Philips Digital Recorder format, Sanyo Digital Recorder format and more.


Do you have a minimum volume requirement or any contract?


No, we do not require a minimum volume and you don't have to sign any contract with us. You can cancel our service at any time. Month to month medical transcription services provided. We also help with backlog of work.


Should I purchase any computer programs or hardware for this service?


All you have to get is a handheld digital voice recorder to record the dictations. The recommended recorders are OLYMPUS and SONY. These recorders are accompanied by the necessary hardware and software plus operating manuals.


Can you use my templates/formats?


Yes, we will use your templates/formats/instructions. We provide tailor made transcription service to client's specification.


How do you calculate a line count?


We count a 65-character line where a character is defined as any letter, number or symbol necessary for the final appearance and content of a document, including the space bar. To fully understand this, take a transcribed document and open it in Microsoft word. Go to Tools, select Word Count and note the value shown next to "Characters (with spaces)" and divide this by 65, so this will give you per line count. This is a standard method of calculating. Consequently, fonts, font sizing, spacing choices and the number of pages do not matter.


How do I get billed? How do I make payments?


We send invoices at the end of every month. You can pay through checks and electronic wire transfer to us.


Do you work in MS Word?


Most of the work is done in MS Word. We also work in Word Perfect.


What will be the turn-around time?


The turn-around time is from 12-24 and 48 hours.